
Adeiladu ein cymuned

Rydym yn dechrau fel cymdeithas gymunedol a gallwch weld ein cyfansoddiad presennol yma.

Tir Pontypridd Constitution

  • A. NAME: Tir Pontypridd
    • To support sustainable development for the benefit of the public by, preservation / conservation of land and buildings, relief of poverty and regeneration within and surrounding the town of Pontypridd and surrounding areas.
    • In order to carry out the purposes, the Committee has the power to : –
      • (1) raise funds, receive grants and donations, levy membership fees
      • (2) buy or sell property, take on leases and employ staff
      • (3) co-operate with and support other groups with similar purposes
      • (4) do anything else within the law which is necessary to achieve the purposes
    • The Committee may admit to membership anybody aged 16 and over who supports the purposes of the group. People who wish to become a member should apply to the Committee. The Committee will keep an up to date membership list.
    • There will be a monthly membership fee of £10 and committee will consider reduced rates and services in lieu of payment. The fee is to raise fund and is nonrefundable.
    • The Committee may expel someone from membership, provided it is in the best interest of the group to do so, and they are given the right to be heard by the Committee before the decision is made. They can be accompanied by a friend.
    • (1) The AGM must be held every year, with 14 days notice given to all members telling
    • them what is on the agenda.
    • (2) There must be at least 3 members present at the AGM.
    • (3) The Committee shall present the annual report and accounts.
    • (4) Any member may put themselves forward for election as a Committee member at the AGM.
    • (5) Every member has one vote.
    • (6) Members shall elect between 3 and 10 members to the Committee. They will retire at the next AGM and may stand for re-election.
    • (1) The Committee shall hold at least 3 meetings each year.
    • (2) At least 3 Committee members must be at a committee meeting to be able to take decisions. Minutes shall be kept for every meeting.
    • (3) The Committee must keep accounts which may be viewed by any member on request.
    • (4) During the year, the Committee may appoint up to 2 extra members on to the Committee who will stand down at the next AGM but are eligible for reelection.
    • (5) The Committee may make reasonable additional rules for the proper conduct and management of the group. These rules must not conflict with this constitution or the law.
  • G. MONEY
    • (1) Funds must be held in the group’s bank account. All cheques must be signed by
    • 2 Committee members. The group will have three signatories. They should not be in a relationship.
    • (2) Funds cannot be used to pay Committee members except to refund legitimate expenses.
    • (3) Funds and property must only be used for the purposes of the group.
  • Special General Meetings may be called by the Committee for the following reasons. All members must be given 14 days’ notice and told what change is proposed.
    • (1) Changing the Constitution – The constitution may be changed by a two thirds majority of members present and voting at a Special General Meeting.
    • (2) Emergency Special General Meetings – to allow the members to decide on important issues.
    • (3) Winding up – the group may be wound up by a two thirds majority of members present and voting at a Special General Meeting. Any money or property
    • remaining after payment of debts must be given to a group with similar (charitable) purposes.
  • Name: Ken Moon Signed: Position: Chair Date 16/7/2020
  • Name: Louise Karabulut Signed: Position: Secretary Date 16/7/2020
  • Name: Shirley Doyle Signed: Position: Secretary Date 16/7/2020
  • Name: Catrin Doyle Signed: Position: Treasurer Date 16/7/2020
  • General Committee
    • Cllr Mike Powell Date 16/7/2020
    • Lucy Stone Date 14/12/2022
Gofynnir i bob aelod lofnodi ein Telerau ac Amodau sy’n gosod rheolau ar gyfer rhedeg y strwythur aelodaeth yn ddidrafferth.

Terms and Conditions of Membership

  1. Eligibility:
    1. Membership is open to all those who support the purposes of the organisation: To support sustainable development for the benefit of the public by preservation / conservation of land and buildings, relief of poverty and regeneration within and surrounding the town of Pontypridd and surrounding areas. Members must be an adult (aged 18+), to vote in the interests of the organisation. 
    2. The committee reserves the right to ask for any proof necessary to satisfy membership eligibility.
    3. For the purposes of voting at General Meetings there are two main categories of membership:
      1. “Resident Members” who live in the Pontypridd area and can vote (section 7).
      2. “Supporting Members” who do not live in the Pontypridd area and cannot vote.
  1. Membership Fees:
    1. The payment of a monthly or annual fee is required for membership. 
    2. Membership types and their cost will be determined by the committee and communicated to members in advance of any changes.
  1. Code of Conduct:
    1. Members must adhere to the organisation’s Policies and the following Code of Conduct, which promotes respect, fairness, and community spirit.
      1. Respect: Members shall treat one another with respect and consideration, valuing a diversity of views and opinions.
      2. Constructive Communication: While debates and discussions are encouraged, and likely to be robust on occasion, members must communicate in a manner that’s constructive and avoids personal attacks, slurs, or derogatory comments.
      3. Integrity: Members shall act with integrity and honesty, refraining from any deceptive practices and always acting in the best interests of the community.
      4. Confidentiality: Members must respect the confidentiality of information shared within the organisation, only disclosing information when authorised or legally obligated to do so.
      5. Conflict of Interest: Members should avoid conflicts of interest and immediately disclose to the committee if such a conflict arises.
      6. Non-Discrimination: Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, age, disability, nationality, or any other protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
      7. Compliance: Members must comply with all the organisation’s policies and relevant  laws while participating in organisation activities. 
    2. Members are encouraged to report any violations of this code to the committee, which will be treated confidentially and investigated promptly. Details of how to contact us are on our website tirpontypridd.org 
    3. Any violation may result in an internal investigation carried out by the committee and the application of sanctions, including termination of membership. Members will have the right to be heard, to be accompanied by a friend, and to appeal. Following an appeal any final decision of the committee will be final.  
  1. Termination:
    1. Members can terminate their membership at any time by notifying the committee.
    2. The committee reserves the right to terminate a membership if a member violates the Terms and Conditions.
  1. Dispute Resolution:
    1. Any disputes arising between members or between a member and the organisation should first be addressed informally. If no resolution is found, the committee has the power to mediate and decide on a resolution.
  1. Decisions:
    1. Members will be invited to take part in significant major decision making at a General Meeting, Special General Meeting or Emergency General Meeting as per the constitution. 
    2. Major decisions regarding the purchase or sale of land will be made by a majority vote of the members, with each member having one vote.
    3. The definition of a ‘majority’ may vary by decision, and will be communicated to members ahead of each vote.
    4. Linked members have the same voting rights as their associated members. 
    5. Linked members are persons living within a member’s household and made known to us on application, or subsequently, and recorded in the organisation’s membership records. 
    6. Linked members will receive a copy of these Terms and Conditions to inform them of their rights and obligations.
  1. Voting rights:
    1. Voting rights refers specifically to voting at the organisation’s Annual, Special & Emergency General Meetings as outlined in the constitution (available on our website tirpontypridd.org)
    2. Eligibility to participate in any voting activities are contingent upon the following conditions:
      1. A current membership, with fee payments up to date.
      2. Living in Pontypridd and surrounding communities. 
    3. For new members, at least 3 months of paid membership fees, or an annual membership.
  1. Liabilities:
    1. The organisation is not liable for any losses or damages incurred by members in connection with their membership. 
    2. Members are also not personally liable for the obligations of the organisation.
  1. Amendments:
    1. The Terms and Conditions of Membership can be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the committee. 
    2. Members will be notified of any changes.

Fel pwyllgor rydym yn cael ein llywodraethu gan gyfres o ganllawiau, polisïau a gweithdrefnau ar gyfer datrys unrhyw faterion sy’n codi o fewn ein strwythur a chyda phartïon allanol. Anfonwch e-bost atom am y rhestr lawn.

Cynllun Busnes Tir

Ein nod yw tyfu’r sefydliad drwy wahodd pawb ym Mhontypridd i ymuno fel aelodau sy’n talu, gan gynhyrchu incwm y gellir ei roi tuag at brynu tir yn y dyfodol.   

2023 oedd ein blwyddyn lawn gyntaf a gwnaethom recriwtio 30 aelod yn talu rhwng £3-10 y mis gan gynhyrchu dros £2000 mewn incwm. Bob blwyddyn wedi hynny anelwn at ddyblu ein haelodaeth.

Rydym yn dechrau fel cymdeithas gymunedol a byddwn yn gweithio tuag at sefydlu Cymdeithas Budd Cymunedol ac Ymddiriedolaeth Tir Cymunedol fel yr amlinellir yng Nghynllun Busnes Tir Pontypridd.