Croeso to Tir Pontypridd!

Land for the Community

Tir am y Gymuned

Join Tir Pontypridd, a local group bringing people together to buy land for the benefit of all!

Improving access to land for health & wellbeing

Local people having a say on how land is used

Developing a solid legal structure and democratic process

Positive impact environment & sustainability projects

Community gardens, allotments, organic food & orchards

Conserving woodlands & meadows to support biodiversity

We are a membership-based organisation owned and run by its members.  Membership is open to anyone, and the money raised from your membership fees will help us to purchase land for community use.

By becoming a member you will benefit from being able to vote, and help us make important decisions. Because local decision-making is important to us, only members who live in the local area will have the right to vote.  Members from outside the Pontypridd area will not have the right to vote. 

Each plot of land that we purchase will be different, and in each case we will work with the local community to determine how the land can be best used to meet local and environmental needs, for example community green spaces, food growing, creating energy, or for woodland

Please visit to learn more about our thoughts and ideas on how purchasing land can help support our community to thrive; with research, ideas and inspiration from other communities.  

How can I join?

You can sign up for either a monthly membership, paying between £3 – £10 a month, or annual membership for a discount.

You can join as an individual or as a household for the same fee. Simply add up to 1 additional household member when you join.

Ready to join us? Click on ‘Become a Member’ to go to our MemberMojo online membership platform and sign up with your details and membership fee.

For more information on membership go to this page:

Head straight to MemberMojo and join Tir Pontypridd!

The membership income that we receive will be saved in our account with Unity Trust Bank, slowly growing until there is enough in the account to purchase land for community use. 

 We aim to recruit 30 members paying between £3-10 a month in our first year generating over £2000 in income, and we aim to double our membership each year. 

Any  member who lives in the Pontypridd area (and any household members added) will benefit from voting rights during AGM meetings, special general meetings, and emergency general meetings. For example, we may call a special general meeting to make key decisions on land purchases and use.

We are starting out as a community association and you can see our current Constitution on the policies page of our website. We will be working towards setting up as a Community Benefit Society & a Community Land Trust as outlined in our 2022 Business Plan.